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Library adds new technology with LSTA grant


Updated: March 7, 2023

Nevada Public Library was recently awarded a Library Services and Technology Act grant to support a major network upgrade. The LSTA Tech Grant project included the installation of a new virtualization server, a 48-port network switch, and two power supply backup units to provide a more reliable, secure network at a cost of $11,040. Grant funds received for this project provided 75% of the total cost equaling $8,554, with local library funds providing the remaining 25% of the total cost.

Jodi Polk, Library Director, applied for this grant and is quoted as saying she is “thrilled that the library received this generous LSTA grant that will help in continuing NPL’s plan to improve and add to the services offered to the community. Access to the internet has become a critical service in libraries; allowing staff and patrons to learn, connect and grow. This project improves basic efficiency and better performance while increasing the security of our network, an absolutely essential goal to protect the library's operations, as well as patron and staff security while working online."

Polk adds, "The entire team at iNetVisions, Nevada, has done an outstanding job assisting with this project while prioritizing minimal interruption of internet service at the library. Our community is so fortunate to have iNetVision’s stellar customer service and tech support available to us locally!"

The final phase of the Technology Mini-Grant is now underway with the purchase of Google’s Enterprise Workspace Suite to allow staff to manage the library's Chromebooks. Patrons will soon be able to use them at the library with streamlined printing, and the assurance that the device is automatically wiped clean after every session to ensure user privacy.

*This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

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